Please ensure you have read this page before making a booking or even walk-ins for the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge -
Anyone 12 and under, a parent or guardian will need to sign for them please.
Children 12 and under cannot be in the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge alone, they MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT!
Anyone found breaking any rules in the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge will be asked to leave immediately, and will NOT be refunded.
We have a NO REFUND & ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY - the cats and our staff well-being is our priority.
We do not offer try before you buy option. There is also no sharing of entries, each entry paid for is that person only.
Walk-Ins / Tickets / Bookings for the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge are non-refundable. Changes to online bookings can be made up to 48 hours before your booked session by calling the cafe 07 5630 1110.
Please do NOT message or email, these are not checked often, please call. No changes will be done via email or messenger contact, ensure you CALL please - 07 5630 1110.
Full Sessions run for 60 minutes (e.g.: starts at 11:30am & out by 12:30pm for the next session at 12:30pm, etc.).
Half Sessions run for 30 minutes from the time you enter the Cat Lounge, staff will inform you before your session is up.
Maximum people in a session is 26 with maximum of 8 KIDS ALLOWED PER SESSION.
If VIP Lounge is being used then the maximum people in a session is 16 with maximum of 5 KIDS ALLOWED PER SESSION.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier to sign in, read the rules, order your food & drinks & to get the staff briefing. Our rules are available to read throughout the establishment, as we know it can be info overload at the start, so please be sure to read over these so you are familiar with them as we have a no refund & zero tolerance policy.
Your hands will need to be washed upon entry of the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge at the hand wash basin provided in the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge as hand sanitizer hurts the cats.
Cats don’t like yelling, loudness or aggression, so please play gently with them You will find the cats will come to you more if you just sit still and relax.
Do not chase, pull tails or force a cat to be picked up if it doesn’t want too. If the cat goes to it’s private room, please leave them alone, as they want to rest.
Adult guests are welcome to pick up the cats, at their own risk. We ask is if the cat looks like it doesn’t want to be picked up, that you leave it be & find a different cat to cuddle. Please do not pick up Harry the Munchkin or Willie.
Children 12 & under please do not pick up or carry the cats. You can get your guardian to put a cat on your lap, if the cat wants too. But please do not at any time pick up any of the cats on your own. You can pat & play with the cats but please do not pick them up, if you want a cat on your lap, please get your Guardian to do this.
Please do not pick up Harry or Willie at any time, only staff can pick them up. Willie as beautiful as he is at times can just suddenly bite or scratch, we have noticed with little people so we ask little people to stay clear of him, and adults to only touch or handle Willie at their own risk. Both Harry & Willie have bow tie collars to assist you in identifying them.
If you do breach any of the listed rules, you will immediately be asked to leave & will not be refunded. Parents & Guardians are responsible for their kids behaviour, we need to respect all customers. Loudness & misbehaving will not be tolerated.
Anyone found hurting the cats, being disruptive or not following our basic rules, will be asked to leave immediately and will not get a refund.
Please DO NOT feed any food items to the cats.
No flash photography, this hurts the cats eyes.
You can take food that you purchase ONLY from the Crazy Cat Cafe into the lounges, no other food or drinks can be consumed on the premises. Ensure the lids of your drinks always remain on when unattended to avoid spillage & possibly burning the cats. If the cats do annoy you while eating, we ask that you spray them with the water bottle provided, this helps us to teach them that this is unacceptable behaviour, & is harmless to them.
Please note animals can be known to carry viruses that can be harmful to pregnant women, although our cats are looked after we cannot guarantee that they won’t catch something from being handled by the public therefore it is at the discretion of any pregnant person to enter at their own risk. We will not accept any liability should you think you have contracted something from our cats.
If you get scratched, please see a staff member for a band aid.
The Crazy Cats are our number 1 priority, they are treated like Royalty & we expect all visitors to treat them the same. From time to time randomly, they will go On Holiday or may be in a VIP session. If you coming to visit a certain cat, please ensure you call the cafe to check they are available, so you won't be disappointed if you miss them.
PLEASE HELP US - If you see anyone disrespecting a cat or the cafe or ruining your experience, please see a staff member immediately, they will as a priority respond to this.
The Crazy Cat Cafe is fully licensed and serves a selection of alcoholic drinks. At all times we follow Responsible Service of Alcohol Practices. We have a zero tolerance to intoxicated patrons and any patron not following the law or our House Policies. Please note our House Policies which staff, patrons and anyone consuming alcohol on the premises must at all times abide too - House Policies
Rules & FAQ's
These apply to anyone entering the Cat Lounge or the VIP Paw Lounge - It is all about the well-being of our Heroes, the kitties & our staff.
Please can you all read the following rules & ensure you adhere to them.
Safety First!
Before entry to the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge you will need to be checked-in by a staff member.
You will need to read the basic rules & sign in before you can enter the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge.
Everyone is required to sign in if entering the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge, due to regulations.
* Children 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult, they cannot enter the Cat or VIP Lounge without an adult & must be supervised at all times *
By entering the Cat Lounge or VIP Lounge you accept all liability for injury or damage to person/persons or property.

Do I need to book? Or can I just show up?We recommend booking to secure a space before you visit. You can always check our Book Now page for up to date availability or call us on 07 5630 1110 to ask how busy we are before you visit. At busy times your call may not be answered. Walk-ins are welcome, if we have spaces available.
Can I bring my cat along to the Cat Lounge?No, Crazy Cat Cafe is a café for people and to enjoy our resident cats, please bring your friends, not your pets.
Can I bring a Guide Dog?Unfortunately we cannot accept Guide Dogs, any other dogs or even cats that are our patrons into the premises. We cannot put our resident cats under any unnecessary as they are not familiar with dogs or other cats or any other animals. The cafe is their home, we provide a safe protected environment for our cats at all times and we will not take any risk to stress them. If you have an guide dog you can tie them up on the balcony at your own risk. Food Safety Laws do not allow any animals of any type in the cafe / kitchen area. Thanks for your understanding.
What does it cost to visit the cats?Please see our Book Now page for all costs. There is a loyalty program available. There is no door charge to just visit the café, if you are only after a drink or nibble without spending time with the cats.
Can I adopt the cats in the café?No sorry, our cats live here permanently this is their kitty heaven. We do however support the AWL with their adoptions, you can easily access their daily available adoptions via the page ‘Adopt A Kitty’ on our website. Our cats are live permanently at the cafe, which means they get to be very happy & comfortable in their environment without the constant stress of new cats being introduced. Cats are very territorial & the introduction of strange cats would no be in their best interest, we will however have regular adoption days run in partnership with an existing shelter, that we are affiliated with.
Are the cats friendly?The Cats have all been carefully chosen, to make sure they are comfortable living in an environment with a number of other cats and people. Yes! Our cats are extremely friendly and smoochy.
Am I allowed to pick up/hold/carry the cats?Yes. Adult visitors are welcome to pick up the cats, at their own risk. We ask is if the cat looks like it doesn’t want to be picked up, that you leave it be and find a different cat to cuddle. Children 12 and under cannot pick up or carry the cats please.
Is it hygienic having cats in a café?Our building has been designed and fitter out to have the cats side & kitchen/serving café side very seperate. Our food & drinks are prepared and served in a 100% cat free environment.
Will I be able to take my drink and food through into the cat area?Absolutely! Although this will be at your own risk. We all know how much cats like to knock things over.
Is there a minimum age to enter the cat area?No, at this stage we are accessible to all ages. We do ask that all children are ACTIVELY supervised by a responsible adult at ALL times when in the Cat Lounge.
What if a cat scratches me?We have hand-picked only the most friendly and placid cats. We will also have a mobile vet nurse visiting regularly to keep their claws trimmed. In the unlikely event that a cat accidentally scratches you, we have a selection of plasters onsite.
Is there a lift, escalator or disabled access?To our disappointment there are no lifts. There is 17 steps to climb with a landing half way. See image on this page. We can fit walkers in the cafe. We have been asking the Body Corporate for years, but to our dismay they will not spend the money and add this - truly heartbreaking.
Can I get a refund?As stated in our rules - no refunds or exchanges. You can with 48 hours by phone call change your booking to an alternative date. Just like at the movies you book a session you miss it, you don't get a refund, or even if you are late they don't restart the movie for you. Making a booking secures your space, by changing your mind with no notice does not give us the chance to release this space to someone else.
Are Companion Cards accepted at the Crazy Cat Cafe?We are not registered to the Companion Card Program, this is not compulsory for businesses. We are a privately run business, which receives no funding or any assistance. With our limited space, significant overheads, we barely manage to stay afloat - so unfortunately until financial circumstances change we are unable to offer free entry to any companions. For more info -
Can I apply for a job at the cafe?We don’t have any positions available at the moment, keep an eye on our Facebook page for any future opportunities .
Can I volunteer at the Crazy Cat Cafe?Unfortunately we are not able to take on any volunteers.
Am I guaranteed the cats will play or climb over me?As much as we would love to say yes... cats are animals and we cannot control them or their behaviours or even who they may like or dislike. We do know if you are quiet and calm they will like you more. We can't control how much they sleep or how active they will be. As you can see since 2016 thousands have had the best time with the kitties, however we cannot guarantee what experience you will have - we always hope it's the best.